Saturday, June 14, 2014

If I Stay

So, this is my second book review. This one doesn't really have a category, but I guess I'd call it GOOD BOOK! Yeah, so descriptive like there isn't 6050000000000000000 of those.

Anyhow, this book is yet again another YA novel that is yet again being turned into a movie but just to set the record straight I read this one AND Divergent before the movie, gosh! I drank the coffee before it was cool guys.

*Disclaimer I am so not a hipster, in fact I'm the opposite of a hipster. Of course hipsters are basically the opposite of hipsters because in all honesty, by claiming that they don't do the same thing as everyone else, they copy other hipsters with their style, actions, way of speech, and attitude, which makes them ironic and not hipsters. Is this like a paradox? A hipster paradox? Hipsters do you see what you've done... STOP IT!*

Anyhow, I read this book and it made me a combination of sad and mad AND I can't tell you what made me sad/mad because it's the end of the book. You know that old kiddy book that was like the monster at the end of the book? Well, this is basically it. Gayle Forman killed me. So without being spoiler-y something happens THAT WOULD MAKE YOU THINK, oh I'll just turn the next page and see what happens AFTER THIS MAJOR EVENT, but Gayle Forman is just like *Lol no reader* she trolls you. Like a boss-- like a very very mean boss. It's not nice! And I don't care if there's a second book because she (SPOILER ALERT)

(kind of)

Skips three years later into Adam's narrative.
How dare you? Mess with my emotions! So freaking mean! I hope you're happy now!

But before I was murdered by her version of 'an ending' I thought the book was pretty good. So here is a basic plot summary: Basically, girl has a lovely life with a loving punk rocky family and incredibly talented boyfriend who belongs to an emo-rock group, and she plays cello. Well, one snowy day her parents, her little brother, Teddy, and herself (Mia) go on a car ride where they are hit by a truck. She pulls herself up from the ground and she sees her parents, dead, and her brother, well, she doesn't know, but she sees something weird, her clothes, her body, lying on the ground, but she's standing up. Of course her first instinct is that she's dead, but she's not. She's alive and unconscious but somehow awake and watching everything, and she ends up with the lovely decision on her lap if she wants to STAY alive or leave and die. That's basically it without getting to spoiler-y.

So, as I mentioned before, this is also a movie, but the movie (at the time of this blog post) has yet to come out, so I present you with the trailer (I saw this at the theaters going to see TFIOS with my friend and we both had a major freak out because we recognized the book).  Anyhow...

Without further adieu... TRAILER:

 That trailer gives me chills every time. They represent the characters so well, and you won't even get it 'til you read it. It's beautiful.

Side note: I approve of their casting selection. Her mom's the chick for 'The Killing'. I like that show. Anyway I feel like that lady is going to do a great job...yada yada yada...

Anyhow, I feel like I need to get paid for these because I'm advertising them to all of you lovelies, but then I guess we'd have to discuss copyright, and well, never mind.

Enjoy the book, and WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED, the movie. Don't make me tsk at you.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Books reviews? Movie? I don't know what this is...

So, I have not posted in a really long time, but I must inform you that I just finished this year of high school, so BE EXCITED! I'm back darlings. So, I am mainly posting writings on my figment account, but I will try to keep this blog and you updated. So I think I'm going to do something a bit more traditional with my blog which will be reviewing some lovely YA Books. So, I say... let us jump into it!

  • Divergent
So, if you guys have not read the Divergent Trilogy which is amazing (except for allegiant which I personally thought was terrible and not just for the ending but because (well one reason) I COULD NOT TELL WHO WAS NARRATING it is one thing to have to separate narrators with DIFFERENT VOICES and another to slap a different name of the main character's narration... I love you Veronica Roth but no, just no. Anyways...) If you have not read Divergent and Insurgent and even Allegiant (which really should've been named something else that rhymed) get off of the computer and buy them because Veronica Roth <3 (or go to the library or stay at Barnes and Noble for the night). So, just in case you've been living under a rock, I'll give you a non-spoiler-y(ish) plot summary. Beatrice Prior part of one of the four factions in Chicago, Abnegation, is known as a stiff, what the Abnegation are called, goes to be tested to find out what faction she belongs to and she comes out with inconclusive results-- you think this must happen all the time, right? Wrong! This is weird and the person testing her, Tori, tells her not to tell anyone. So she doesn't. Later when she has to pick a faction she picks dauntless where she learns how to fight etc.. and basically the dauntless are like the bad boy cops of Chicago, anyway without spoiling TOO much she learns the repercussions of being Divergent, thus the title of the book, she makes friends, falls in love (in an amazingly written way NO CHEESY SMURGEN SMURG HERE) and there's your novel.

Now, I said that this was the best book to movie rendition and it is. Compared to 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of other book to movie renditions THIS IS AMAZING (I'm looking at you Hunger Games and The Host *cringe*), but they do miss a few aspects of the book, but the only reason I'm mentioning this to you is I was sitting there like a proud mama hen in the movie theater watching that movie (and not shutting up about it to my incredibly patient friend through the entire movie) the CGI was good, they got 95% of the plot, they established 75% of the character relationships and best of all Shailene Woodley and Theo James did a great job portraying the main characters Tris and Tobias (I didn't have much faith but Shailene I applaud you... seriously if I was to ever have kids I would name them after you...haha no I wouldn't that'd be weird, but still...). So yeah, that's that rant.

So, thank you for listening to me rant Divergent is my favorite book-- pulled in by my same friend mentioned above last year and fun fact I saw the new copies of the book where it said this is going to be made into a major motion picture and I refused to buy that one because I was terrified I'd be disappointed again but I was made proud, so shows you don't judge movies by their... other... yeah I've got no idea.

*Disclaimer no disrespect intended to any of the movies/author mentioned above I just feel really REALLY strongly about all this and so that happened...


Side note I realize I've discussed Divergent before but... SO MUCH LOVE

Anyway, I didn't like the trailer to this movie so... I will not show it to you, but if you feel like watching it... IMBd people...